Are people still watching TV? Nielsen says yes

By admin | July 8, 2016

Experts have long predicted that TV and radio will lose a Darwinian battle to subscription on-demand services like Netflix. But Nielsen’s latest report shows TV’s still going strong.

The recent Nielsen Q1 2016 Total Audience Report indicates the media evolution trend is continuing. However, broadcast—that’s TV and radio combined—is still the most powerful medium. For now.

TV and radio may not dominate the universe the way they once did, and statistics show they continue to lose share. But the chart below confirms their staying power as a resource to reach an audience. If you’re seeking to build awareness with the Boomer generation — who also have the deepest pockets — live TV still holds a 53% share of time spent. Combine TV and AM/FM radio (not streaming services), and you’re looking at 70% of a Boomer’s daily media consumption. Conversely, if your targets are 18-34, you’re better off reaching them digitally and by subscription video. In fact, the average time per day spent on digital devices in this age group grew 74% in the last 2 years. But still, live television and radio claim a 46% share for the younger generation.

Somehow, AM/FM radio still hangs in there at 17%, though its audience skews older. 18-34 year olds spend an average of 10:19 minutes per day listening to radio. 50-64 year olds top the average at 15:09.

So what does this mean for your strategic planning and your media commitments?

Broadcast is still a powerful tool to build awareness. That awareness gets translated to better engagement when customers seek your brand in digital mediums. But it’s more important than ever to be well informed. Aim carefully before you fire off precious media dollars, because the landscape is shifting constantly.