How to clean up your digital marketing strategy for summer

If you’re like us, summer probably has you ready to pack a cooler, hop in the car, and hit your nearest beach, lake, or cookout. But before you break out the shorts and burgers, take some time to reevaluate your digital marketing strategy. Summer is a fantastic time of year to get rid of digital […]

How to Drive More Business through LinkedIn Lead Generation Forms

B2B sales get easier with LinkedIn lead generation forms. Ever tried to fill out a long, boring web form on your mobile phone? One glance at a dozen boxes to fill out makes you want to revisit that how-to video on getting rid of carpet stains. That’s why we’re psyched about the new LinkedIn lead […]

Social Media Branding Strategy: How to Drive Results

Brands have a lot to learn about engaging on social media. Sprout Social recently surveyed over 1,000 Facebook, Twitter and Instagram users to learn what social media branding actions drive them away, and what entices them to become followers. The survey, called the Q3 2016 Sprout Social Index, reveals important information about brands and social […]

Two Faces for Facebook? How we Solved a Client’s Facebook Dilemma

When is it appropriate to show multiple brand personalities in social media? Learn more about Facebook branding strategy below. A client had an interesting Facebook branding strategy question. Their events management business, based at a beautiful, unique location, hosts all kinds of events, from weddings to corporate meetings. They wanted our advice on one of […]

Content Marketing Tips: How to Avoid the Black Hole of Content

The internet has become a massive black hole of content. Here are some content marketing tips that can help you execute a smart content strategy in spite of it. Beautifully created content is getting lost in cyberspace. It’s dropped off on the side of the road in the most remote areas of the information superhighway, […]

Social media roundup: 5 must-read social media marketing posts

The world of social media changes fast. Here are 5 recent social media marketing articles (and podcasts) that caught our eye, and their main takeaways. 1. A map for the minefield. For small business owners, social media marketing is a playing field that can result in a lot of wasted time and energy if not […]