How to Drive More Business through LinkedIn Lead Generation Forms

By admin | November 9, 2017

B2B sales get easier with LinkedIn lead generation forms.

Ever tried to fill out a long, boring web form on your mobile phone? One glance at a dozen boxes to fill out makes you want to revisit that how-to video on getting rid of carpet stains. That’s why we’re psyched about the new LinkedIn lead generation forms.

The new ad format eliminates hassles and allows your prospects to get right down to business. We have been testing campaigns for a number of Red Letter clients, and the results are promising. Here are the top 3 reasons to test out the new LinkedIn lead generation forms.

#1 B2B marketers can address the greatest hurdle to conversion: pesky lead forms.

LinkedIn’s new format drastically reduces the peskiness factor. Here’s how it works:

  1. Grab the viewers’ attention through an eye-catching visuals and a compelling headline

Linkedin Ad


  1. Bring them to a form that’s pre-populated with information from LinkedIn

Red Letter Marketing - Linkedin Leads


  1. Confirm their entry with Thank-You page, and an option to visit your website for more content

Red Letter Marketing - Linkedin Leads

Be sure to have an engaging message. Get their attention with a grabber, and move them along to conversion will be a lot smoother.

#2: Tap into LinkedIn’s vast user base to expand your reach globally.

LinkedIn’s audience is huge, and they used the platform for important decisions:

  • LinkedIn has over 500,000,000 users to date
  • LinkedIn is active in over 200 countries and territories globally
  • 4 out of 5 LinkedIn members drive business decisions

#3: Reach your best prospects and eliminate media waste through LinkedIn’s super-granular targeting options.

Here are just a few of the characteristics that we can use to focus your target:

Red Letter Marketing - Linkedin Leads Specification

Much less pesky. Much more targeted.

The new LinkedIn lead generation forms are a huge improvement. However, needless to say, you should always evaluate a new digital marketing tool in the context of your business goals and marketing strategy. If there’s a match, your business will be able to more precisely target prospects, and make it easy for them to express interest.