iOS apps mean business.

We develop high-performing iOS apps to drive real business results.

› iOS apps are faster, providing a better user experience.

› Apple mobile app development is cost effective.

› Effective apps can pay for themselves.

› 75% of all Internet usage is via a mobile device.

› Our iOS apps have helped businesses

• Increase productivity

• Automate tasks for greater efficiency

• Provide stakeholders with actionable data

• Empower workers with tools and information

• Connect with customers

› Our iOS apps are featured in the Apple Store.

Find out how iOS app development can deliver ROI for you and your business.

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Or call us at 336.676.6800

Why Red Letter?

Our efficient, powerful code is just the beginning.

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UI/UX Design

We’re not just developers, we’re marketers. Our team includes designers and UX experts who make our apps easy to use and engaging for users.

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Before the coding begins, we work with you to identify your business goal and plot the most efficient path to reach it.

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Deployment Impact

It’s not enough to just build it and hope people bump into it. Our marketing team helps announce your app and drive acceptance and active adoption.

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QA Testing

Bugs reduce confidence and adoption. Our rigorous QA process ensures that new users engage with a flawless, easy-to-use app.

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Even a simple app needs an introduction. We provide whatever level of training is needed to ensure enthusiastic adoption—with training videos, webinars, or live demos with your team.

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Post-launch monitoring and maintenance

We’re not going to just hand you your app and wish you the best. We continue to work with you to add features, improve performance and respond to feedback from users.

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Enterprise Apps

Our team of back-end developers can build an enterprise app for your business, or make your existing ERP available to workers in a mobile app.

Real-world examples of what our apps can do.

For industry-leading gas regulator manufacturer RegO, we built a tool to aid field workers in specifying and ordering RegO products (see above).

For the American Board of Anesthesiology, our app enhanced the usability of the organization’s online training and certification application, by making it accessible on mobile devices (see below).